de·sign (dĭ-zīn′)v.
de·signed, de·sign·ing, de·signs
1. To conceive or fashion in the mind; invent: design a good excuse for not attending the conference. | 2. To formulate a plan for; devise: designed a marketing strategy for the new product. | 3. To make a graphic or schematic representation of (something), especially as a plan for its structure: design a building on a computer | 4. To create or contrive for a particular purpose or effect: a game designed to appeal to all ages. | 5. To have as a goal or purpose; intend | 6. To make or execute plans. A drawing or sketch.
To draw
1. The art of drawing | 2. The art of a person or thing that draws | 3. A graphic representation by lines os an object or idea as with a pencil | 4. a delineation of form without reference of color | 5. A sketch, plan or design, especially one made with pen, pencil or crayon.
de·signed, de·sign·ing, de·signs
1. To conceive or fashion in the mind; invent: design a good excuse for not attending the conference. | 2. To formulate a plan for; devise: designed a marketing strategy for the new product. | 3. To make a graphic or schematic representation of (something), especially as a plan for its structure: design a building on a computer | 4. To create or contrive for a particular purpose or effect: a game designed to appeal to all ages. | 5. To have as a goal or purpose; intend | 6. To make or execute plans. A drawing or sketch.
To draw
1. The art of drawing | 2. The art of a person or thing that draws | 3. A graphic representation by lines os an object or idea as with a pencil | 4. a delineation of form without reference of color | 5. A sketch, plan or design, especially one made with pen, pencil or crayon.
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